Online Enrollment

You can join our membership at home.

Send the Application Form

Please check the membership agreement and fill in the form below and send.

メモ: * は入力必須項目です

The privacy policy applies for Send button.

* are required to be filled.


Payment of Admission Fee

Credit card payment

After receiving the membership application form from you, we'll send you the URL for payment to your e-mail address within a week.

Please make sure you'll be able to receive our e-mail from .

Bank Transfer

After submitting your application form, please transfer admission fee to the bank account below.

Paypay Bank

Business Sales Department (Business)

Branch Number: 005

Account Number: 1473911/ピラティスフリードボディオカザキアキ


* Please pay the transfer fee at your expense.


Download the Application

Please use the Easy Reservation (かんたん予約) app to make your reservations.

You can download the app from Apple Store or Google Store.


Resister our studio as your "FAVORITE"

Please resister our studio "Pilates studio Freedbody" as a favorite from the QR code above.

You can easily make your reservations and pay for the coupons at the same time.

Make a reservation

*Once you have a registered us as a favorite, you can book lessons, purchase coupons, pay monthly fee, and etc.

 If the lesson you want is already booked, it's convenient to sign up for a waiting list for cancellation. If there's a cancellation, you'll be notified.    


*Reservation will be accepted 15 days in advance.


*The reservation deadline and cancellation deadline vary depending on the lesson. Please check the "Note on Reservation" on each pare in the app.


*If you are in the cancellation waiting list, please make sure the notification setting is on. If there's any cancellation, the notification will be automatically delivered to you. make Reservation need to be done by yourself.


*Cancellation after the cancellation deadline has passed, a 100% cancellation fee will be charged. 


*Once the cancellation deadline has passed, you can't cancel from the app. Please contact us by studio e-mail.